Wednesday, September 7, 2011


No, I'm not dead. It's always good to squelch the rumors.

I have decided that "everyday bloggers" must have one or more of the following:

1. no job
2. no children
3. older children who do not wear diapers and cannot fall down stairs
4. air conditioning at their job so they do not feel like slimy sweat mongrels upon returning from work
5. no pets that require walking
6. personal maids
7. personal cooks

Those are my excuses reasons for not blogging for the past two weeks. Take it, or leave it.

In my two week absence I've discovered I have quite the worker on my hands. If you're in need of a cute cook, there's one in my kitchen who may be willing to work for crackers.

Ollie especially loves wearing oven mitts while looking into the oven. If you want any serious cooking done, you may need to call someone else. ;)

If you are in need of a floor man...

 Swiffers are soooo much better than toys, right?

I'm unsure where this guy gets his domestic skills. Let's just hope they last!