Monday, August 15, 2011

Do you ever...

feel stupid? I do. A lot.

Feeling Stupid Story of the Day

Ollie and I walk Guinea Pig every night and almost every night we walk by the same houses. There is a sweet older couple who lives in one of the houses we walk by. When I say sweet, I mean suuuper sweet. The cute lady even waves at us from inside her house if she's not on the porch. :)

The other night we walked by and the couple was eating on their porch. They waved and the little lady asked us our names. "After all, we see you every night." I told her and she introduced them. She said, "I'm _____ and this is Larry."

Quick way to feel stupid: forget cute little lady's name immediately after it's stated.

I think to myself, "It's ok. She probably forgot my name too."

Fast forward to tonight:

Ollie, Guinea Pig, and I go on our usual walk. We walk by the cute little couple's house and, lo and behold, they are dining on their porch. She waves REALLY big as we walk by and calls, "Hello Mary! Hello Ollie! Hello Guinea Pig!"

Poop. She remembered, not only my name, but my child's name AND my dog's name!

So I say, " guys."

Lame, lame, lame.

What to do? What to do? I will, undoubtedly, continue seeing them every night for the rest of eternity and she will eventually become fishy by my using obscure terms like "you guys" or "dudes" or "amigos."

And then...I have a moment of brilliance. Ok, technically my sister had a moment of brilliance on the phone when she said, "Well, when I forget someone's name I just look on the city assessor's website."


So, I become a technological stalker and look them up. ANN! Her name is ANN! I'm a genius!

(I suppose I should use the term genius rather loosely in this case.)'s a funny picture of what Ollie and his genius mother have been up to lately.

He can get on it himself but insists upon being pushed around the dining and living room at mach 3.

Do you think that smirky smile he has on his dimply face is because of the fun of being pushed around or because his mama is an absent-minded name forgetter? I'll let you be the judge.

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