Saturday, August 6, 2011

A few things...

Good news...I took the sewing machine to the sewing machine doctor (the repairman...who, incidently looked like neither of the pictures in my previous post) and he said the needle was hitting something down below. So I'm NOT an idiot! Hooray! And it will be fixed soon!

Bad news...I'm pretty sure I'm going to die when school starts. I spent a few hours there this afternoon and came home and did this:

Don't judge. We have no air conditioning in the school. If you'd care to call and suggest installing it, at least in my classroom, before school starts, I'd really appreciate it.

Change of subject:

Did I show you what my romantic husband got me for our anniversary?

Romance. Nothing says romance like salty and sweet foods, don't ya think?

Another abrupt change of subject:

Do your children do things like this?

This would be Ollie's idea of entertainment while I am cooking. After all, who needs toys when you have half a bag of Ziploc baggies? *sigh*

But can you really be mad at those dimply cheeks? neither.