"Did you push that thing out YOURSELF?" you may be asking. No. That's why God invented c-sections.
The great thing about having such a large baby is that he could sleep through the night by 2 weeks. I know, I know. All you new mothers out there can hate on me all you want. Your lower abdomen probably doesn't look like you carried a 12 pound 5 ounce baby to term. Mine does.
This fact would probably not cause me such grief if I were able to wear the clothing I preferred every day for the rest of eternity. Mesh shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Of course, if the rest of eternity is cooler than Iowa right now, I will be donning baggy sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt.
As it currently stands, teachers aren't allowed to wear t-shirts they owned 12 years ago in high school that are now so thin they have holes in the armpits. Darn rules.
So today my mama came over and we went back-to-school shopping. Oh, yes...did I mention that my school is NOT air conditioned? Heaven forbid we make the pudgy 2nd grade teacher any more comfortable. I was in search of forgiving loose fitting clothing that would hide the buckets of sweat that will, undoubtedly, be pouring down my back, my temples, and my flabby baby belly. :P BLEH!
Change of topic: Did I mention it was Aaron and my anniversary last week? It was. 3 big ol' years. One of my favorite pics from the day with some of the most FANTASTIC ladies in existence. :)
Think I could ever get that dress on again? :) Probably not.
But Ollie is TOTALLY worth every stretch mark.
Every flubber roll.
Every dimple.
I'd never go back to that skinnier, tanner version of myself. Ever. :)
I think you're sexy...